
Showing posts from December, 2024

2024 spells

What  a tough year for Argentina, but let me emphasize a few issues for optimism: We´ve been awarded three projects from CFI, FITBA and CIC Buenos Aires public institutions, the first one to design upstream water retention schemes, the second one to include AI on the Azul EWS and the third one to propose drainage and retention soft structures at a plain parcel in direct coordination with the owners, all are measures to gain flood resilience.  Lorena La Macchia MSc thesis dissertation was awarded as the best contribution related to Cartography, Geodesy and Geographic Information in 2024, by the Panamerican Institute for Geography and History . She also received a grant from " Move la America " brasilian program to stay at INPE. The published paper related to Digital Elevation Models in large plains by AilĂ© Golin et al .                                             ...