In February I evaluated the dissertation by Bruno Ortiz from Paraguay, as part of the MSc on Energy and Environment by ITBA (Buenos Aires Technological Institute, Argentina) and KIT (Karlsruhe Technological Institute, Germany), applied to SG (Salto Grande, Argentina-Uruguay) Hydro-Power exploitation, with title "Prototype design to estimate discharge, by means of LSPIV " (dissertation in spanish). A concise work, state of the art about the setup and configuration of a video camera for LSPIV processing, which aids to estimate surface water speeds, ie flow and discharge. Many thanks to all the involved people: ITBA committee Roberto Vieytes and Cecilia Smoglie, SG Hydrology department Guillermo Collazos and Gonzalo Saprizia, and of course all the congrats to Bruno Ortiz, who´s got the degree successfully. Picture by ivillanueva: streamlines downstream Faustino Domingo Sarmiento Park gates, Azul, Buenos Aires.